Highest Awards

You're ready to make the world a better place. Show everyone how you’ll do it by earning the Girl Scout Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards. Each award will challenge you and helps you take action in a big way.
The Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards are the highest honors you can earn in Girl Scouts. All three awards give you the chance to do big things while working on an issue you care about. Once you've completed your project, you'll have made a bold, sustainable impact on the world — and you'll have put in some serious work.
To assist in your journey towards earning your highest award including the Bronze, Silver or Gold Award, we have our Highest Awards Project Fund. Again this year, the council will be offering troops and individuals working on their Highest Awards the opportunity to apply for funds towards their efforts. To qualify for funds, your Silver or Gold Award project proposal needs to have been submitted and approved by the award committee as you begin your project and apply for this fund. Bronze Awards do not need project pre-approval to apply for the funds.
Applications for funds are open from August 1 to December 15. The first deadline to apply is September 30. From there, if additional funding is left, the second deadline is December 15. Fill out the application.